Free and easy Christmas gift ideas

Need a last minute gift? Want to spend a little less without it meaning any less? We’ve got you covered with these 6 easy, breezy under the Christmas trees-y (FREE) gift ideas.

1) Classic coupons

Retro? Yes. Still cute? We think so! You might have done this one when you were a kid...homemade coupons for your parents like ‘one free hug’. Get creative by printing coupon / cheque style designs off the internet, or handmaking them yourself, and writing personalised offers. Housemate hates the washing up? Offer a week off sink duty! Sibling has 3 kids under five? Offer an evening of babysitting! Don’t see someone as much as you’d like to? Offer them a week of homemade lunch or dinner dates! You can do silly ones too, use your inside jokes to bring it to life.

2) Plant a present

Did you know you can grow new baby plants from any plant you own? Yup, it’s called ‘propagating’ and yup, it does feel like magic - nature never fails to impress! Simply cut a stalk from a plant you have (or even one out in a public park / forest) and make sure the stalk has at least one leaf, and at least one ‘node’. Cutting directly under a node is best. Then pop it in some water and within days, new roots will appear, and it’s ready to be potted in soil and the giftee can watch it grow! Here’s a video to explain exactly how to cut your plant for the best results.

3) Gift something you already have

Regifting something of yours can be a really wonderful gift when you explain the meaning or memories behind it. Could you give a younger family member a cherished but no longer used item of clothing? Could you pass a favourite book or piece of art onto a friend that reminds you of them?

4) Photos

In this digital age, where documenting our lives has become more popular than ever, the act of printing out these photos has become rare and special. Something as simple as printing out photos from the years you’ve spent with someone, a special trip, or forgotten moments from childhood could make for a very nostalgic present. Write notes on the back of them to double down on the memories.

5) Edible gift ideas

Ok, so these will be free depending on if you already have the ingredients in your home, but they can also be a great low-cost gift if you just have to pick up a few bits for a simple recipe. Check out our food tips for more inspiration!

6) Share a skill

Can you play an instrument? Great cook? Or maybe a dab hand at building things! Offer to teach one of your skills as a free gift you can provide to someone – that also gives you both quality time together!


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