5 tips for dressing more sustainably at your festive party

The festive season is a fantastic time to get dressed up, socialise with friends, colleagues and family, and feel a little bit special. Because of this, the temptation to treat your'elf to something new is real. But what if there was another way? You can have all the style and sparkle of a new outfit without having to splash out on something that'll yule probably only wear once or twice! Save the cash and follow our top 5 tips for a party-ready wardrobe…

1) Shop your wardrobe

We’re all guilty of shoving last year’s items to the back of the wardrobe and forgetting about them. Why not have a wardrobe re-fresh and see what you can unearth from times gone by? You might fall back in love with a jacket or a dress that you totally forgot about. Slightly worse for wear?

2) Get swapping!

Clothes swaps are the best way to refresh your wardrobe with wonderful new pieces for almost no cost. Clothes swaps allow you to take clothes you no longer wear and swap them with other people. It’s a great excuse to hang out with pals or make some new ones! Search for some local clothes swaps or check out this vlog on how to easily host a clothes swap here.  

3) Hit the charity shops or some vintage stores

Second-hand shops are packed full of gems, usually for a fraction of the price. Plus, chances are you’ll be the only one wearing that dress at the party!  

Giving old clothes a new life means we aren’t contributing to the resource-use, waste and pollution that comes attached to the price tag of a new, high-street piece. If you’re more of an online-shopper, there are lots of different sites that allow people to sell their pre-loved, high-quality clothes such as Vinted or Depop.

4) Consider renting!

Clothes renting is a thing! Stick with us…new apps and platforms are popping up that allow us to rent a fancy piece for a few days and return it after, at a fraction of the cost of the original item. It’s a fab way of getting a jazzy new item for a party without having to buy something that’ll sit at the back of your wardrobe for eternity.

5) Shop consciously 

Had your eye on something for months? We get it. If you do want to buy something new, keep the following tips in mind when shopping: 

  • Look for quality – if stitching is already fraying or a button is loose before it’s left the shop, the item won’t last!  

  • Try on before you buy – check that the cut fits right and that the patterns match up. 

  • Look for natural fibres (like organic cotton, wool or linen) if possible. 

  • Care for what you buy – wash less, wash on a low temperature, and air dry. 


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