Manchester’s local Carbon Footprints
Supported by our partner, the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, we’ve compiled localised carbon data for every single ward in Manchester.
That means, wherever you live, you can find out how your carbon footprint compares to the Manchester average, and other areas across the city. Access information on the energy perfomance ratings of our homes and how accessible public transport is in your area in terms of coverage, frequency and reliability. You can also discover some inspiring climate projects that are already happening where you live.
We hope it can help you to spark some ideas on how to reduce emissions, show how you can have the biggest impact locally and provide an evidence base for climate projects to apply for funding opportunities and help you lobby for change – so, let’s dive in!
Curious to know more?
Information on how the carbon footprints have been calculated and where the data comes from can be accessed via the Manchester Climate Change Agency website.
Inspired to take action? Check out our resource hub for tips to help you reduce your carbon footprint.