Community Growbox

Wellbeing Led Action
If we really want to make a positive difference in the world we need to be ok in ourselves. You might know that “you cannot pour from an empty glass” or “you need to put on your oxygen mask before helping others”. When you’re busy community volunteering it’s easy to forget this - these tools are to help you find your wellbeing.
It’s common when we’re busy, overwhelmed or distracted to feel discouraged. When we are discouraged we lose touch with our inner resourcefulness. It will happen, we are human and it's ok temporarily to feel this way. This tool is designed to help you in coaching yourself back to balance.
Attunement is the process of connecting - energetically aligning - with ourselves and others, including nature. When we develop our awareness of how we are feeling internally we also develop our awareness of how we may impact others and the world around us. This is a tool to develop awareness around attuning to yourself and how you are feeling.
Taking time to reflect helps us learn and move forward to apply what’s useful, and leave behind anything no longer helpful. It helps us clear our minds of the past and focus on the task we have in front of us, so that we can be more effective. This is a tool to support your personal learning and impact.
Do you sometimes say things like “I don’t have what is needed to make this happen”?, “I can’t get started because I lack confidence”, “I don’t know how to engage others”? This is a tool to help you look beyond lack to find your way, and your hidden gifts.
Caring for Your Group
How well we work together matters. Caring for your group can make a huge difference in the impact you have together. These tools can help you get to know each other better, support meetings to go well and get your tasks organised.
A tool to start and end meetings well. Checking-in and checking-out are opportunities to settle our minds. By offering people a couple of questions or prompts to answer as a way to ‘officially’ start and close meetings we give everyone an opportunity to be included and heard.
This drawing exercise is great for highlighting our diversity and how we have different perspectives. It helps unlock some of our unconscious assumptions and can move a group towards valuing difference by acknowledging what each person’s unique point of view can bring.
Appreciation Feedback focuses on sharing appreciation and curiosity about each other. Regular, safe feedback is one of the most important ingredients in building constructive relationships and thriving community groups.
In meetings, by focusing your action discussions on a Who/What/When Chart you can improve the chances that your next steps get taken. This tool connects people in your group with clear actions on tasks and a commitment on when they will complete the task.
Engaging Others in Your Community
Want to engage more people in what you’re up to in your community? Wish you could get a few more people involved? These tools can help you to get to know people living near you better, plan the future with them in mind, and keep moving even if you don’t yet have everyone on board.
This tool supports you to identify the people who are at the heart of your project. It helps you take into account everyone who significantly impacts a decision, or could be affected by it.
A tool for understanding (even) more about your community. This Tool will help set the stage for trust, openness and sharing in your conversations as you engage others in your community.
The purpose of Future Mapping is to create a shared view of your community and project in the recent past, present, and future. It can help your discussions around the themes of your project so you can make plans for the future to share with others.
This tool supports you to identify the people who are at the heart of your project. It helps you take into account everyone who significantly impacts a decision, or could be affected by it.