How to get recycling right in Manchester

Recycling our rubbish saves 18 million tonnes of CO2 a year in the UK!

Although recycling is a normal part of everyone's lives, the messaging about what we can and can't recycle can be so confusing. Are we all clear on the rules? Check out these tips to help you rule at recycling and cut your emissions! ⁠

Young boy recycling paper and plastic at home

Give stuff a rinse

Leftover food in packaging can contaminate a whole recycling collection. Give your jars and foil trays a quick shake with hot water before putting it them in the recycling.  

Check the labels

Packaging will state whether an item is “widely recycled”. This differs from area to area, so check Manchester City Council’s website to make sure. 


You can recycle any bottle shaped plastics in Manchester. Cleaning products, drinks bottles, shower gel and shampoo bottles can all go in the brown bins. Just remember to take off the lids! 

Cardboard and Paper

Clean food and drinks cartons, junk mail, envelopes, magazines and books can all go in the blue bin. Not sure if it’s all paper? A good rule of thumb is to give it a scrunch. If it stays scrunched, it can be recycled.  

Food and garden waste

Got a green bin? It isn’t just for garden trimmings. You can also use this for raw and cooked meat and fish, eggshells, coffee grounds, and all your leftovers!

Give these a miss

Pizza boxes, bottle lids, yoghurt pots, plastic bags and trays, crisp packets and bread bags are all commonly mistaken to be recyclable. Pop these in the general waste bin.  

More of a visual learner? Check out the video below by Manchester City Council for more advice and guidance on recycling and bins across the City.


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