The Ultimate Move-out Guide For Students

In Our Nature is a city-wide programme helping people across Manchester to tackle climate change, save money and learn new skills too.

It's the end of the year, and although you might be looking forward to festivals and holidays, it’s time to pack up and move out for summer. To help you move out with more memories, and less stuff, we’ve packed up some top tips to make moving a little savvier and more sustainable. 

Check out our decision tree as a first step to find out what to do with unwanted items!

Top tips for packing like a pro

Box Clever - New packing boxes can be expensive! Some stores in Manchester will be willing to give them away if you ask, so it’s worth asking cafes, shops or your student union if they have any spare. Check out Freecycle to see if anyone nearby is giving away boxes. 

Sheets ahead – use your bedding!  Use pillowcases instead of black bin bags to bundle your things up – just as easy and minus the plastic. A zero-waste, zero effort method is to put as many clothes as you can in the middle of a bedsheet and then tie the corners of the bedsheet up together – no boxes or suitcases needed! Then all you need to do is unpack the other side and don’t forget to give the bedsheet a wash.  

For fragile items  

For delicate items that could be damaged in transit, clothes and socks are a low-effort alternative for bubble wrap and can get you a bit more room for packing extra clothes. Transporting a big item like a mirror can be a nerve-shattering experience. So, wrapping these with a duvet or fluffy blanket as padding can help keep it safe over the journey.  

On the case!   

Using what you already have saves having to spend extra on new boxes and bags. Heavy items like books are best transported in a suitcase – they won’t fall through the bottom!  
Got a shelf or drawer of little items that you haven’t had time to sort but still want to take with you? Keep small and easily lost items (think trinkets and jewellery) safe by packing them into handbags. Handbags keep items grouped together, can stop necklaces from getting tangled and save small items from being lost in the chaos of the move.  

Got stuff you don’t need or want?

If you’re packing up belongings and find lots of things that you don’t want to take with you to your new home, there’s loads you can do before chucking it straight in the bin. 

Lecture and revision notes 

You may think you don’t need these for next year, but it’s always worth keeping important notes to revisit. Take photos of any important info using your phone and upload them somewhere safe on your laptop or in the cloud. 

Clothes, shoes and bags  

Sell it – Try selling your stuff on Depop, Vinted or gumtree for some extra holiday money! If it’s in good condition, people are always on the hunt for something to spruce up their summer wardrobe.  

Swap it - Run a swap shop with your friends, you know what they say, one man's trash is another man's treasure! These are perfect for fancy dress costumes from freshers or Halloween.  

Upcycle it - Maybe it just needs a revamp. If it’s clothing, try dyeing it or altering it to suit your new style. 

Is it broken? 

Head to your nearest Repair Cafe to get it fixed! They run on Saturdays across Manchester. Check out this blog on Repair Cafes in Manchester and how they work, and drop by these: 

  • The Boiler House, Moss Side – Last Saturday of the month 

  • Levenshulme Repair Café, Levenshulme Old Library – Third Saturday of the month 

  • Chorlton Repair Café, St Margaret's Centre, Brantingham Rd 

  • Boothstown Repair Café: pop-up, various locations 

  • Stretford Repair Café: Stretford Public Hall – First Sunday of the month 

Is it on its final legs? 

If it’s on its way out and you want to get rid of it in the most responsible way possible, it’s time to recycle right. Check out our blog of how to recycle everything properly, from electrical goods, disposable vapes, bathroom products and home goods.  

Hungry for more?

Moving house is a great time to start fresh. Use it as an opportunity to switch energy or broadband provider. Use these handy switching engines to find the best deal for your new home and for the planet. 


Low carbon weaning recipes with Walking Mum’s Club


Manchester’s Repair Café’s and where to find them