How to save money on your energy bills

Manchester is getting colder...and with energy costs at an all-time high, it’s more important than ever to make the most of our energy!  

Here's 5 ways to help you save money on your energy bills and get your home winter ready. All whilst staying cosy at home and doing your bit to tackle climate change! 

Photograph of man bleeding a radiator

1. Dial down 1 degree

 Did you know 22% of the UK’s carbon emissions come from how we heat and power our homes? Your thermostat can make a big difference to your bills. 18 degrees is the recommended temperature for corridors, and 21 degrees for rooms you’re sitting in. If your thermostat is set higher than that, try turning it down by one degree. It will reduce your carbon footprint by 300kg and save you up to £55 a year!  

2. LED the way

Lightbulbs LEDS use 85% less energy than old fashioned standard bulbs and as lighting makes up around 5% of your electric bill, that’s not a bad saving over time. You can save up to £41 a year on your energy bill by switching to LED bulbs too! 

3. Bleed your radiators

Trapped air can make radiators less effective, stopping them from keeping you as warm as they could. Removing air from your heating system or "bleeding" your radiators is a great way to get them ready for winter. Check out this youtube video for a simple step-by-step guide on how to do it yourself.  

4. Tackle draughts

Tackling draughty spots in your home is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to save energy and money. Foam or brush strips will block up gaps in windows or get crafty and make a draught excluder for doors. Stuff a pair of tights with scrap materials and add some ice to weigh it down, cut off an old trouser leg, put the tights inside it and sew up either end.  

5. Consider a smart meter

A smart meter shows how must energy you are using in real time, helping you reduce your energy usage or save energy by switching off appliances altogether. Already got a smart meter?  Download the Loop phone app! It's your perfect energy saving assistant and works together with your smart meter to help you understand your electricity use and show you easy ways to use less.  

Keen for more help and advice for your energy bills? 

Download our energy toolkit! 

It's packed top tips on what temperature to set your thermostat, how to make your own radiator foils and information about where to go to for support if you are struggling to pay for your energy bills. 

Click this link to download it and print it out at home, or send it to friends and family to make sure they are winter-ready. 


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