4 Ways you can Reduce the Climate Impact of your Clothes

Did you know that our clothing has a big impact on the environment? The good news is that it’s easier than you think to make a difference! 🌎⁠ ⁠ ⁠

From repairing, repurposing, thrifting and swapping, how we use and care for our clothes can help tackle climate change, and help us save money too - win win! ⁠

Which of these actions will you be taking forward?

1. Repair

By keeping your clothes in use for an extra nine months – instead of buying new ones - you reduce their carbon, water and waste footprints by 20-30%*. Not only that, but with some basic sewing skills you can save money by doing your own repairs! *WRAP, Valuing our Clothes, 2017

2. Repurpose

Once your clothes are past wearing or repairing, you can still make use of them. Cut them up and make them into something entirely different, or just use them as cleaning cloths.

3. Thrift

By buying second-hand you avoid all the environmental impacts of new clothing. Not only that but you can find some one-off gems in charity shops, and dress in a way that is uniquely you!

4. Swap

If you have clothes you no longer wear, rather than discarding them, you could try swapping with friends or attending a local swap event. One persons trash is another's treasure! 

5. Make a pledge

Repair / Repurpose / Thrift / Swap

Could you commit to trying one of these four actions this week?


4 ways to pass on old clothes in Manchester


Why are Clothes a Climate Issue? – with Stitched Up