Looking for tips, toolkits and inspiration to create change?

In Our Nature is here to help.

Whilst we can’t solve climate change on our own, together we can make a huge difference. From making savvy daily choices, to voting with our wallets and inspiring our communities, we’re finding creative ways to  make our city  greener, healthier and more connected. 

Below you’ll find six topics where we can make a big difference, along with actions and tips, toolkits and guides, and inspiring stories to help you live in ways that are good for you and the environment… 

Getting Manchester to Zero…  

In Our Nature is supporting the target set by Manchester to be a zero-carbon city by 2038 or before – 12 years earlier than the national 2050 target. To achieve this citywide, emissions will need to reduce by 13 per cent every year until 2038.  Making our city zero carbon won't be easy. It will take big steps from organisations and businesses, and small steps from individuals.

Boost your community climate action with group and personal development