Fundraising 101 

If you're new to fundraising and looking for guidance on how to get started, this beginner's guide will provide you with some practical tips to help you succeed. 

Here’s your checklist to get started!

  1. Nailing the essentials: 

  • Before you start fundraising make sure you can describe your cause and the impact it makes. Make the cause tangible by providing facts and figures, and make it personal by sharing real-life situations and personal connections to the cause.  

  • Be clear on how the money will be used and the difference it will make to your work. Use powerful messages to bring your cause alive, for instance you could think about: 

    • Inspiring with solutions and positivity 

    • Appealing to people's sense of what's right 

    • Making your donor the hero of the story 

3. Getting to know your donors: 

  • Start with family and friends and expand your network to include local community members, businesses, and organisations. 

  • Research potential donors. You could find charities with a similar audience or cause and have a look at how they fundraise and who from. 

  • Understand the interests and giving habits of your donor whether it’s individual(s), charitable cause or corporate then personalise your approach to resonate with your audience. 

5. Using what you learn and achieve to raise more: 

  • Share the success of your fundraising and how this has made a difference for the work that you do. Talk about results and impact but also tell stories to encourage donors to continue to support you.

  • Keep track of your progress and don’t be afraid to change up your approach if needed.

Remember, fundraising is an ongoing effort that requires persistence, creativity, and dedication. As you gain experience and build a solid foundation, you will become better equipped to raise the income you need to support your activities and your cause. 

4. Keeping your donors engaged: 

  • Build relationships with potential donors by communicating with updates and reasons to stay involved. You could use emails, newsletters, local press and social media to share updates.  

  • Tailor your communication to your audience, think about what will be of interest to them and provide clear calls to action. Make sure to add personalisation if you are sending something directly to someone. Don’t forget to keep track of who has supported you and what they’ve supported so you can do this!

Explore more of our tips and guides below to get your community project up and running, and make the most of nature.